Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rebuild Me.....

It have been several months since I have posted on my blog.  I apologize to those who have missed it and count it a blessing that folks have reached out wondering why the break.  I took some time off and have been really studying, praying and meditating on the Word of God.  It is so easy at times to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and miss what God is trying to show you.

I was reading an E-Devotion post by Pastor Bsett the other day and he meditated on Luke 10:41-42 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."   
The context of the scripture is that Mary and Martha are preparing for Jesus to visit their home.  Martha was busy preparing the house - cooking, cleaning, etc., while Mary was still.  Martha was concerned with preparing the outward and tangible things, while Mary was preparing her heart to receive Jesus.  
I have really strived over the past few months to position myself, like Mary, in a place where I can hear from God.  I have eliminated all of the extra running around and stress and hustle and have strived to (as much as possible) be still and hear from God.  

Sometimes, as Christians we do all of the busy work. We do it at home, at school, at work and at church. We focus on the things that have no real meaning, oftentimes to please others.  What we should focus on is stilling ourselves before God and making our hearts ready to receive what He has to teach and reveal to us. The "work" that we must do is spiritual.  It is on the inside - so that others can see the work of the Lord in our lives, that they too may come to know Jesus.  Everything else is busy work.  I am not suggesting that we do not work, because faith without works is dead, but rather I am suggesting that our work not just be busy - that it be productive in the building up of the Kingdom of God.
There is a hymn that I learned as a young girl entitled Only What You Do For Christ Will Last - my sincere prayer is that we are all mindful of what is for Christ, and what is just busy work.

You may build great cathedrals large or small, you can build skyscrapers grand and tall, you may conquer all the failures of the past, but only what you do for Christ will last.

You may seek earthly power and fame, the world might be impressed by your great name, soon the glories of this life will all be past, but only what you do for Christ will last.

Though your armies may control each hemisphere, and your orbits out in space cause men to cheer, your scientific knowledge may be vast, but only what you do for Christ will last.

Though your song and prayers are heard and praised by man, they've no meaning unless you've been born again,
sinner, heed these words, don't let this harvest pass, for only what you do for Christ will last.

Remember only what You do for Christ will last. Remember only what you do for Christ will last,
only what you do for Him will be counted at the end; only what you do for Christ will last.

I was at a low point emotionally in ministry, home and working in the church.  I realized that I was Martha.  I allowed myself to be so concerned with all of the busy work,  that the real work in the Kingdom that God had called me to do suffered greatly.  It is what has helped me to rebuild.....

Be blessed and continue to stay in the Word of God....... 

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