"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9
Those of you who know me, know that I am an open book. I am more transparent than most, and consequently find myself in a position of great vulnerability. My heart has been quite heavy as of late, as I have come to the realization that relationship, one to another, is not a priority for many of us. It has been replaced with an incessant need for notoriety, position and advancement. Sometimes, as much as I pray to not get caught up, find myself participating and buying into pointless discussions with people whose motivation is not to seek God’s will. That is when I have to be still. It is amazing what you see when you are still. When you stop talking, stop participating and are just still. It is in the quiet times that God reveals not only the hearts of others, through their actions -but He reveals to us the deceitful nature of our own heart as well. It is so easy to get caught up in what others are doing, even when it warrants scrutiny and correction, that you can get lost in the noise of it all and loose sight of what God is saying to you. What is your motivation for your actions? That is the question. The action starts in the heart. Hurt, anger, low self-esteem, insecurity are all conditions of the heart. If you act on any of these feelings you will ultimately fall into sin. People who are insecure in their ability to perform tend overcompensate by being aggressive. People who are hurt tend to lash out first before someone hurts them. People who are insecure about their ability to perform tend to make a lot of noise in an attempt to avert people’s attention from the fact that they are inadequate. People who act in anger tend to act quickly and with retaliatory intent. I have spent the past month or so really asking God to reveal what is truly in my heart. God has been faithful to do so, and to be quite honest - I really don’t like what I see. My heart needs a constant Godly intervention. I have been praying for God to wash and cleanse my heart so that I may, at all times, act from a place of love and purity.
On the job, people assert their authority and in some cases the result is an abuse of power. There is little or no regard for people’s feelings. Discipline is oftentimes imparted with no dignity. I have been present in many disciplinary action interviews during my tenure at my place of employment. Termination ensues, warranted as it may be, with no sense of caring for the individual who now faces unemployment. Some time ago I accompanied an employee to their termination interview. The person conducting the interview is a Christian and that fact shined through. The employee was treated with respect and left with their dignity in tact. The offense was pointed out and a stern admonishment accompanied the decision to terminate, however it was done with an abundance of care and concern. This is the light of the Christian. Justice was served in the form of termination, yet the person serving the justice exemplified the love of Christ. That employee will never forget the mercy shown to them by God, thorough that supervisor. Relationship was more important that the assertion of authority. How we treat one an other is key. Our relationship with Christ should cause us to uphold and maintain our relationship with each other at all cost. At the cost of our pride, financial cost - relationship and being reconciled one to another must be our priority. It is not just on the job, but in the church as well. It is amazing to me how Jesus has a way of humbling us with out humiliating us. We should follow that example.
The Lord has been dealing with the issues of my heart. Allow God to deal with the issues of your heart as well. I believe that you will be amazed at what He shows you.
I can't seem to leave this subject, so a Bible study on the context of this scripture in Jeremiah will be forthcoming in the next few days. It is an important lesson that we must all learn. How can we share the love, joy, peace and comfort that is found in Jesus if it does not first dwell in our hearts.
Be blessed......
I have gotten to a point in my life were I expect God to show up and once again he has through you and this Blog!!!!!!