Saturday, May 14, 2011


“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14
Thirsty -needing moisture, craving something, desiring to drink, in need of water, dry or parched.  Many of us go through life in this state - searching for something to quench our thirst.  We go to work, craving notoriety; we go to school, craving acceptance from our friends; we go to church, craving love, kindness and understanding but are ultimately disappointed, left void of what we need and our thirst remains unquenched.  Our thirst may be quenched temporarily, but ultimately we become dry and desolate yet again, because we are drinking from the wrong well.  That well is filled with all those things that at first, appear genuine, but in reality are counterfeit and fraught with deceit.  Jesus offers us the right well.  That well IS the word of God.  It is synonymous with truth.  You can trust and depend on it.  It is absolute.  In it you will find everything that you need.  It fills all void.  It encourages, offers hope, love and restoration.  Once you have received the word of God it becomes a never ending spring within you and you will never thirst again.  Read the word of God, write it on your heart so that you can drink from that well continually.  
Sometimes I find myself thirsty and desperate for more - and then I realize that more  already lives inside of me. Be clear that the well is not full of my own desire and some ominous sense of what I think.  It is the very word of God -that well that will never run dry.  All I have to do is drink....
Marvin Sapp wrote and recorded a wonderful worship song simply entitled “Thirsty”.  My soul is thirsty, my soul is thirsty for you. As the deer is thirsty for the water, so does my soul long for thee. My spirit needs refreshing, Father I’m thirsty, thirsty for you.  Let me drink from the fountain that never shall run dry.  The fountain of everlasting life.  For if I drink of your water, I will never thirst again.  Let me draw from your living well. My soul is thirsty for you.
If we do not drink from this well - of God and His word - then we become restless, and we remain restless until we find our rest in Him.  This kind of rest will bring you indescribable joy and peace. This rest is eternal.  Allow God to quench your thirst with His love and peace, through His word.  Jesus is there with you, just as He was with the woman at the well.  He knows your name and everything about you, just as He knew the woman at the well.  He is calling you unto Himself.  If you do not know Jesus that is alright, because the good news is that He knows you.  He died just for you and is always interceding on your behalf to the Father, just for you.  He stands right at your heart, waiting, knocking - you only have to let Him in.  God, if you are who you say you are, reveal yourself to me just like you revealed yourself to the woman at the well - that I may know you.  He is faithful to do it. You have to be faithful then to receive Him and not reject Him....Drink from His well....
God bless and keep you....

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